We often use the toilet without giving it much thought, and this can lead to some unhealthy habits. Avoid them as they can negatively affect our health. Here are some tips to keep in mind:
1. **Wait Until Your Bladder is Full:** It’s common to take toilet breaks frequently, even when your bladder isn’t full. Avoid this as it can train your bladder to feel the need to go more often than necessary. Wait until your bladder is full to avoid health issues.
2. **Take Your Time:** Rushing in and out of the bathroom isn’t good for you. Ensure to give yourself ample time for bowel movements or urinating. Hastiness can lead to improper cleaning, which isn’t hygienic, and can cause unnecessary strain, leading to weakened muscles.
3. **Bladder Retraining:** If you’re the type who goes to the bathroom often with just a little urine each time, bladder retraining can be beneficial. It involves holding in the urge to urinate for gradually longer periods to get your body used to visiting the toilet less frequently.
4. **Prevent Constipation:** To avoid constipation, stay hydrated, and eat fiber-rich foods. Don’t force yourself to move your bowels unless necessary. If you do get constipated, consult with a doctor and adjust your diet accordingly.
5. **Maintain the Right Posture:** This might sound unusual, but using proper posture on the toilet is vital. Using a stool under your feet to achieve a kind of squatting position can be helpful–it can make bowel movements easier and more comfortable.
6. **Keep Your Phone Out:** Many folks have the habit of carrying their phones into the toilet. This isn’t hygienic as it could introduce your phone to germs and bacteria. Besides, spending extra time in the bathroom might inconvenience others waiting to use it.
7. **Clean Your Hands Thoroughly:** Washing your hands properly after using the toilet is crucial to keep yourself safe from viruses and infections. Make sure to use soap or hand sanitizer to kill any germs and bacteria effectively.
Keeping good toilet habits is key to maintaining hygiene, especially important in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. Prioritizing such habits not only ensures your personal health but also contributes to communal wellbeing.