Are you dealing with sudden aches in your cheekbones, jaw, or teeth? It can be tough to figure out the cause and it can really mess up your daily life, making simple things like talking and eating a chore. Usually, the pain starts in your jaw or teeth, and might spread to other parts of your face. Sometimes, you may need to see a doctor to treat the root cause of the issue which could range from sinus issues, jaw disorders, to dental infections.
Now, here are some common reasons for these aches:
1. **TMJ Disorder**: This is a jaw issue that happens when a disc in our jaw joint gets out of place or injured. It can cause clicking sounds while opening your mouth, difficulties in moving your jaw, earaches, and tenderness. Stress-induced teeth grinding, arthritis or jaw injuries can trigger it.
2. **Sinusitis**: This sinus infection can cause terrible pain in your cheekbones and jaw. You might also have a runny nose, headache, and stuffed nasal passages.
3. **Tooth Abscess**: Neglecting dental hygiene can lead to this bacterial infection affecting your teeth, gums, and bones and can even spread to your cheekbones causing pain, bleeding, and swelling.
4. **Trigeminal Neuralgia**: This nerve sends sensations from your face to your brain. If it’s affected, you might have one-sided cheekbone pain that feels like constant aching, burning, or twitching.
5. **After a Dental Procedure**: It’s normal to have some pain in the cheek and jaw after dental work. However, if it continues past 3-4 days, you should get in touch with a doctor.
6. **Bruxism**: Better known as teeth grinding, often happening at night, it too can lead to serious cheek and jaw pain.
7. **Gum Disease**: If you have unhealthy dental hygiene habits, gum disease or periodontal disease may arise causing pain and even tooth loss. It’s been linked with heart disease too.
8. **Heart Disease**: Sometimes, jaw, cheek, and neck discomfort can be a sign of coronary artery disease or even a heart attack.
If your pain is mild or temporary, you can try some at-home remedies:
– Use a hot water bag or a cold compress.
– Over-the-counter painkillers might help.
– Avoid foods that require a lot of chewing.
– Try stress-relief activities if stress is causing your pain.
– Consider changing your sleeping position.
However, if the pain is chronic and comes with other symptoms, it’s time to go see a doctor to figure out the best treatment plan for you.
This simplified overview is based on articles from Healthline, Medical News Today, Colgate and WebMD, and the direct experiences of Shen Chao from Dr. Joshua Hong’s Smile Clinic.