Experience the Miraculous Impact of Meditation on Your Mind and Body Health.

Experience the Miraculous Impact of Meditation on Your Mind and Body Health.

Experience the Miraculous Impact of Meditation on Your Mind and Body Health.

Staying mentally present these days is tougher than ever. It’s so tempting to pull out our phones the moment we experience a bit of boredom. Even though it might not seem like a big deal, this lack of focus can actually make stressful times in our lives even harder to handle. But there’s a solution, and it’s called meditation! It helps us stay in the here and now, boosting our mental and physical health.

Meditation has heaps of benefits, let me tell you about a few of them.

1. Bye-bye, Stress!
We commonly ignore stress, but it can wreak havoc on our bodies. From ruining our sleep to causing overeating or even hair thinning – it can become seriously harmful if not taken care of. And don’t even get me started on heart or stomach problems!

Here’s where meditation comes in handy. Stress affects us by increasing a stress hormone called cortisol, which can cause inflammation in the body. Meditation, especially the mindfulness type, redirects our attention to the present moment and can lower stress-induced inflammation. If you have been stressed out lately, give meditation a try!

2. Pain Relief
Over 50 million Americans deal with chronic pain, and it’s no joke. Simple tasks can turn into nightmares.

With the rising concerns about the addictive nature of opiate-based painkillers, doctors are now exploring alternatives. Meditation is right up there, gaining a reputation as a viable pain management tool. Studies suggest meditation might improve tolerance to short-term pain and provide temporary relief to those with lower back pain. Just remember, consult with your doctor before making it a key part of your pain management process.

3. Reduces Depression Risk
Depression can steal joy from your life. One way to combat this is by tackling stress and anxiety, known triggers of depression.
Stress and anxiety usually stem from constant negative self-thinking and difficulty envisioning a brighter future. Mindfulness meditation could help by training our minds to stay in the present, alleviating these negative thoughts.

4. Helps Lower Blood Pressure
Heart disease, a global top killer, has everyone worried. We all stand to gain from better heart health.
High blood pressure can over-stress our hearts and even lead to heart attack or stroke. Meditation, coupled with a healthier diet, can combat this. Research shows types of meditation like transcendental and mindfulness create relaxation, lowering blood pressure, reducing inflammation and expanding arteries.

Interested in giving it a shot? Getting started is super easy! There’s a ton of online meditation instruction videos available. Before you know it, you’ll have all the information needed to dive right in.